Hvordan kan API’er hjælpe din virksomhed?

Ved hjælp af vores API’er kan dine systemer kommunikere i realtid med Nordeas systemer og automatisk udføre opgaver, der nu klares på separate platforme. API’erne giver dig adgang til data og løsninger, hvor som helst og når som helst du har brug for dem. Du kan automatisere manuelle rutiner, undgå forsinkelser og reducere risici. Når du træder ind i API-økonomiens verden, får du mere tid til at fokusere på det, der er allervigtigst – din virksomhed.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål om Nordea API Market

Seneste artikler (in English only)

Radiohjälpen raises millions with Nordea's API solution Åbner i nyt vindue

The Nordea premium API Instant Reporting makes it possible for the charity foundation Radiohjälpen to provide a fast and real-time overview of the fundraisings at their live charity events.

Read more about how Radiohjälpen raises millions Åbner i nyt vindue

Succeeding with PSD3 by learning from PSD2 Åbner i nyt vindue

Let’s face it: PSD3 is soon here, whether you are ready for it or not. The past year’s PSD2 implementation offers valuable experiences that will come in handy for the upcoming PSD3 implementation. In this blog post, Sanela Dulic, Head of Nordea Open Banking Platform, reflects on what has been and what is yet to come.

Read more about Succeeding with PSD3 Åbner i nyt vindue

What is Open Banking? Åbner i nyt vindue

Open Banking is the practice of providing access to financial services, like for example your bank account information and payments, to other providers than your bank. Open Banking allows the sharing of data across institutions for use by you as a consumer, other financial institutions than your bank and third-party service providers. All based on your consent.

Read more to learn about Open Banking Åbner i nyt vindue

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