Tilføj og/eller fjern op til 5 administratorer

  • 1 Vælg antal administratorer, der skal tilføjes/slettes / Select number of administrators to be added/removed
  • 2 Information om administratorer / Information about administrators
  • 3 Bekræft oplysningerne og klik på send
  • 4 Tak!

Vælg antal administratorer, der skal tilføjes/slettes / Select number of administrators to be added/removed

Kontakt vores support på 70 33 65 00, hvis du får brug for hjælp til at udfylde formularen /
Contact our support on telephone No. +45 70 33 65 00 if you need help filling out the form




Information om administratorer / Information about administrators

Ved tilføjelse af administratorer skal virksomheden og administratorerne underskrive nye dokumenter / When adding administrator(s) the company and administrator(s) must sign new documents

* markerede felter skal udfyldes/Marked fields must be filled in


Ny administrator 1

A Politically exposed person is a person who serves or has recently (latest 12 months) served or has anybody in the close family or in close business associates that serves or has recently served in the position or function of: 

- Head of state, head of government, minister or assistant minister
- Member of national assembly
- Member of a governing body of political party
- Member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
- Member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces
- Member of an administrative management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise
- Director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of the international organization.

Is there any consequences in payment process if the answer for PeP-question is “Yes”? Answer is No - payments will still be processed.

According to different AML Acts and legislations in different Nordic countries, we have to collect Date of Birth.
Nordea is upon request obliged to provide user information including Date of Birth to authorities.
Nordea does a monitoring against commercial PeP-lists.

Ny administrator 2

A Politically exposed person is a person who serves or has recently (latest 12 months) served or has anybody in the close family or in close business associates that serves or has recently served in the position or function of: 

- Head of state, head of government, minister or assistant minister
- Member of national assembly
- Member of a governing body of political party
- Member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
- Member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces
- Member of an administrative management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise
- Director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of the international organization.

Is there any consequences in payment process if the answer for PeP-question is “Yes”? Answer is No - payments will still be processed.

According to different AML Acts and legislations in different Nordic countries, we have to collect Date of Birth.
Nordea is upon request obliged to provide user information including Date of Birth to authorities.
Nordea does a monitoring against commercial PeP-lists.

Ny administrator 3

A Politically exposed person is a person who serves or has recently (latest 12 months) served or has anybody in the close family or in close business associates that serves or has recently served in the position or function of: 

- Head of state, head of government, minister or assistant minister
- Member of national assembly
- Member of a governing body of political party
- Member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
- Member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces
- Member of an administrative management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise
- Director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of the international organization.

Is there any consequences in payment process if the answer for PeP-question is “Yes”? Answer is No - payments will still be processed.

According to different AML Acts and legislations in different Nordic countries, we have to collect Date of Birth.
Nordea is upon request obliged to provide user information including Date of Birth to authorities.
Nordea does a monitoring against commercial PeP-lists.

Ny administrator 4

A Politically exposed person is a person who serves or has recently (latest 12 months) served or has anybody in the close family or in close business associates that serves or has recently served in the position or function of: 

- Head of state, head of government, minister or assistant minister
- Member of national assembly
- Member of a governing body of political party
- Member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
- Member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces
- Member of an administrative management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise
- Director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of the international organization.

Is there any consequences in payment process if the answer for PeP-question is “Yes”? Answer is No - payments will still be processed.

According to different AML Acts and legislations in different Nordic countries, we have to collect Date of Birth.
Nordea is upon request obliged to provide user information including Date of Birth to authorities.
Nordea does a monitoring against commercial PeP-lists.

Ny administrator 5

A Politically exposed person is a person who serves or has recently (latest 12 months) served or has anybody in the close family or in close business associates that serves or has recently served in the position or function of: 

- Head of state, head of government, minister or assistant minister
- Member of national assembly
- Member of a governing body of political party
- Member of a high-level judicial body, the decisions of which are not subject to further appeal, except in exceptional circumstances
- Member of the board of an auditor general’s office, a court of auditors or a central bank
- Ambassador, chargé d’affaires or high-ranking officer of the armed forces
- Member of an administrative management or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise
- Director, member of the board or other person in the senior management of the international organization.

Is there any consequences in payment process if the answer for PeP-question is “Yes”? Answer is No - payments will still be processed.

According to different AML Acts and legislations in different Nordic countries, we have to collect Date of Birth.
Nordea is upon request obliged to provide user information including Date of Birth to authorities.
Nordea does a monitoring against commercial PeP-lists.

Vælg underskriftsmetode til kontrakterne herunder:

Aftalerne skal underskrives både af de tegningsberettigede for moderselskabet og af de nye administratorer / Contracts should be signed both by those who are authorised to sign for the main company and by the new administrators

Digital underskrift giver korteste ekspeditionstid. Ved digital underskrift vil de som skal underskrive, modtage en sms og en mail om, at de har dokumenter til underskrift. De underskriver ved at åbne det link, som de hver især modtager på mail og skal signere med deres private MitId (Ved digital underskrift skal aftale ejeren være et dansk selskab med dansk CVR nr.)

Digital signing provides shortest processing time. By digital signature, those who have to sign for the company(ies) will receive an SMS and an email, that they have documents for signing. They sign by opening the link that they each have received in the email and must sign using their private MitId. (If digital signature the agreement owner must be a Danish company with Danish CVR No.)

Hvis der vælges manuel underskrift, sender vi dokumenterne på e-mail til virksomhedens rådgiver i Nordea / If manually signing is choosen, all documents will be sent by e-mail to the company advisor in Nordea.

Oplysninger om de personer, som skal tegne på vegne af virksomheden skal indtastes her. Ny(e) administratorer skal også underskrive og de oplysninger er allerede oplyst ovenfor) / Information about the people who will sign on behalf of the company must be entered here. (New administrator(s) should also sign and their needed information is already entered above)
Oplysninger om de personer, som skal tegne på vegne af virksomheden skal indtastes her. Ny(e) administratorer skal også underskrive og de oplysninger er allerede oplyst ovenfor) / Information about the people who will sign on behalf of the company must be entered here. (New administrator(s) should also sign and their needed information is already entered above)
Agreement numberAgreement number


Herunder skal indtastes oplysninger om administratore(r), der skal afmeldes / Below please enter the information about administrator(s) that should be removed


Bemærk, at det kun er administratoradgangen, der afmeldes. Hvis personen, der ønskes afmeldt, også skal afmeldes som bruger, skal virksomhedens andre administratorer selv sørge for denne afmelding i Corporate Netbank Administration / Please notice that it is only the administrator access, that will be removed. If the person in question is also to be deregistered as user, the company’s other administrator must perform this deregistration in Corporate Netbank Administration.


Kun til Nordea's brug / For Nordea's use only 

Når du har klikket Send, får du mulighed for at printe det indsendte./After you click Send you will have opportunity to print submitted

Behandling af personoplysninger

Som dataansvarlig behandler Nordea personoplysninger for at kunne levere de produkter og tjenester, som parterne har aftalt, samt til andre formål, fx for at hjælpe dig med dine forespørgsler eller for at overholde lovgivning og andre regler. Vil du vide mere om, hvordan Nordea behandler personoplysninger, kan du læse Nordeas politik om databehandlingÅbner i nyt vindue, eller fås ved at kontakte Nordea. Politik om databehandling indeholder oplysninger om den registreredes rettigheder i forbindelse med behandling af personoplysninger, herunder retten til indsigt i oplysninger, retten til berigtigelse, retten til dataportabilitet osv.

Udfylderen af denne formular skal videresende Nordeas politik om databehandlingÅbner i nyt vindue til personer, hvis oplysninger er videregivet til Nordea.